15 October 2007

Abejas en Guanajuato

Date: Sábado, el 6 de Octubre, a las 11:00 de la mañana
Location: el Restaurant Hotel de los Ángeles
Calle Cantarranas 22, junto al Teatro Principal
Guanajuato, GTO
Graphic: Plan Colombia
Presentation: Pre-planned and promoted with posters and word of mouth
Length: 1.5 hours
Attendance: 11 (us + 7) mexicanos, frances, estadounidences

Style – round table discussion in english and spanish

Discussion – role that religion plays in conflict and resolution. maintaining the conflict: neither side wants the conflict to end because the governemnt, paramilitaries, and guerrila groups alike benefit from both the conflict and the cocaine production, both of these bringing in foreign currency.

---Gracias a abeja citlalpilli----

Our first Bees event in Guanajuato went well overall, considering our energy level and the time of day (Saturday morning in a party town?). The discussion ranged from minute detail to concepts that almost hurt the brain to consider. People have many ideas and unique ways of expressing themselves and in this way we are learning from each other. People love the art of the bees and everytime they ask if we are the artists, I really wish that we were. Although at the same time, it is nice to be able to share the work with others and in a way, we are all the artists. The hostal where we presented treated us well, filling us up with coffee and bread and jam before our presentation. The chef, ever with a cigarillo in her mouth, continually patted us on the backs and asked if there was anything else we needed. All in all, it left me energized and happy about this project. Our next cita is in Queretaro in a week.