05 July 2008

el dedo gordo...

Tips for folks who want to hitch hike in Mexico:

1. Traveling as a guy-gal combo is not only safer and easier (in terms of getting folks to pick you up), people are even friendlier and may buy you a snack or drink.

2. Get used to semi-trucks or the backs of dirty pick-up trucks- you'll see plenty of folks in fancy cars who are traveling alone, but apparently they've got better things to do. Either that, or they're afraid- one of the two has to explain why they quickly look in the other direction as they pass.

3. Bring just a little bit of money to offer to bus or combi drivers in the event that you get stuck somewhere, but assure them that these are the absolute last pesos to your name. They probably won't believe you but they'll let you on anyhow. Sometimes they're interested in trades.

4. A sign helps, preferably large and lettered by sharpie.

5. When someone picks you up, ask them where they're headed and if it's not your final destination, ask them kindly to drop you off either at the entrance or exit of a city, or somewhere else on the high way so you don't have to walk really far to get a ride again.

6. Chat with everyone- you never know who might just hand you 50 pesos or pay for your bus fare.

7. Truck drivers will know the best places to camp.

8. A week will feel like a lifetime.