29 August 2007

Down deep

Ellis Island: Years ago and generations back, my family passed through this little island, their thoughts and fears I can only imagine in a thousand ways. Although my own time spent on this island was brief, I did manage to learn a little about immigration in the U.S. Also of interest, I discovered that the words bum and bummer come from the German language and hunky-dory from Dutch. Strange how our extended ethnic heritage can reach into our daily, personal household language without any conscious recognition or recollection.

Statue of Liberty: Loved, glorified, over-priced, propagandized, replicated, battered, weaved deep into the American consciousness and that of people around the world. Based on the museum at her feet, you'd think she was the most sacred symbol of democracy ever to exist and perhaps you'll believe it, perhaps not. I was particularly interested in a brief paragraph within the statue's history that mentioned another potential vision of the statue, one of a fierce woman with a steel weapon and a flag. Naturally, folks were frightened by this idea and stood solidly behind the passive, benign, receptive image, a waiting beacon. Rather than demanding freedom and democracy, she awaits it patiently, lighting its path, waiting, waiting. Is she still waiting?