26 August 2007


Packing: is miserable. I'm leaving New York with much more than I came with. This city encourages consumption the way a well-stocked liquor cabinet encourages alcoholism and that's probably the top thing, hands down, that I will not miss. What I will miss is the constant motion, the people, having things at your fingertips that you neither need nor want but the sheer opportunity is enough. Strange that these things would grow on me. At the same time, once I leave the city I probably won't miss any of it, will only remember car exhaust making my eyes burn and over-crowded Times Square, waiting for the subway train, or spending way too much money on coffee. I hope, though, that I'll really remember the great people I was able to spend short amounts of time with, the absurdity of Coney Island, the little surprises I would encounter on the street, and late night hookah cafes.